Global Dispatch Instructions

Below you will find a key used to determine the appropriate global dispatch instruction for alarm handling. Global instructions are presented to our monitoring specialists during an alarm event to tell them how to handle the signal. The global dispatch instructions will be applied at the template level or in special circumstances may be added on your accounts zone list.

For example, global dispatch instruction P45 stands for LOC, PD, L1. Our specialist will attempt to verify the alarm by calling the premises and verification contacts. If we can verify and no assistance is needed, we will full clear the alarm. If there is no answer or an invalid passcode is given, we will dispatch the Police to the address listed on file. A phone call is then made to the main call list to notify of the dispatch. Once a call list individual is notified or an attempt to reach all contacts has been made, we will full clear the alarm.

Global Dispatch Instruction Key

LOC Verification/Premises Numbers
L1 Notification List
L2 Secondary Notification List
PD Police Department
PT Patrol/Guard
FD Fire Department
MD EMS/Medical Agency
INEMF Email Partner
2WAY Communicate via Two Way Voice
ELEV Communicate via Elevator Phone